Residential WiFi

Having trouble getting a solid, reliable WiFi signal in some parts of your home? We offer solutions to WiFi dead ends ranging from range extenders, powerline adaptors to meshed netwroks.

In this particular implementation, the following were used to provide coverage in the whole house and the garden,

  • long range Ubiquiti Access points
  • TPlink Powerline Adaptors
  • TPlink range extenders
  • Layer 2 switches

The end result is a mesh network ensuring you have a vast, seamless network with easy control giving you the following features,


  • Switch the WiFi off/on in a given room from your phone at any point
  • Block certain devices, handy if someone hasn’t done their chores.
  • Prioritise devices access to the network
  • Parental controls –  time limit on certain devices, content filters to keep the kids away from adult content
  • Blacklist certain devices.